ACCD Daily Schedule
A daily schedule or routine gives children a sense of security and predictability so needed early in life. It is also important to encourage spontaneity so our schedule is always flexible.
Morning activities include breakfast (optional and depending on time of drop-off), free choice at learning centers, small group learning, snack, and outside play/learning.
Afternoon activities are lunch, rest/nap time, large group learning, snack, outside play/learning, and free choice at learning centers.
ACCD Annual Schedule
Italics indicate ACCD closure
January Closed January 1* – Welcome to the New Year! February Valentine’s Day Parties – On or near the 14th March ACCD Parent-Teacher Conferences (TBD) April ACCD Staff Development Day (TBD) May Butterfly Room Graduation
Closed Memorial Day (Last Monday)June Welcome to Summer! July Closed July 4* August Enrollment for Fall Attendance September Closed Labor Day (First Monday) October Halloween Parties and Parade – On or near the 31st November ACCD Staff Development Day – Wednesday before Thanksgiving
Closed Thanksgiving (4th Thursday) and Day After ThanksgivingDecember Holiday Party and Program (TBD)
Closed December 24 and 25**When holiday falls on Saturday, ACCD will be closed Friday; on Sunday, closed Monday.
Grand Rapids Public Schools District Calendar
Comstock Park Public Schools District Calendar
Rockford Public Schools District Calendar
ACCD Snow Day Policy
ACCD will be closed for snow days when Northview Public Schools are closed. The Center will also be closed when:
- There is a power outage lasting more than 1 hour during business hours, per State of Michigan Licensing Regulations.
- Severe weather is such that opening or remaining open presents a safety concern for children and staff.
When there is a closure, parents will be notified immediately via Brightwheel (internal messaging system), email, and social media.